Opposite house fiscal cutoff was on Monday, February 26th, which means any bill that did not pass out of the fiscal committee in the opposite house by that day is considered dead. Of the 454 bills that made it past opposite house policy cutoff, 418 bills made it past opposite house fiscal cutoff.
Following fiscal cutoff, attention quickly shifted to floor action where both chambers were on the floor every day, Tuesday through Friday, some days going late into the night, in order to pass bills by opposite house floor cutoff on Friday, March 1st. The exception are bills deemed necessary to implement the budget, which are not subject to the cutoff calendar – 373 bills made it past opposite house floor cutoff.
For floor cutoff, the debate must begin on the last bill they are going to pass by 5:00pm on cutoff day, which is why the last bills that pass on floor cutoffs are known as the “5 o’clock bill”. The 5 o’clock bills on Friday’s opposite house floor cutoff were HB 1589 (Clean energy) in the Senate, and SB 5241 (Mergers in the healthcare marketplace) in the House. The House then broke for caucus on the bill and the 40 plus posted amendments until around 9:30pm when they said action on the bill would be deferred and adjourned. Without receiving a vote, SB 5421 died.
Budget negotiations have also been happening in earnest behind the scenes over the past week. Negotiators have been working on the operating, capital, and transportation supplemental budgets. With less than one week left in session, budget writers and staff are in the final steps of ‘buttoning up’ the final, negotiated budgets. The budgets will be unveiled in the coming days in order for the final versions to be passed by both chambers before session adjourns on March 7th.
In addition to the budgets, this final week of session will focus will on working through bills that were amended by the opposite house. When an amended bill is sent back to the house of origin, that chamber can choose to concur with those changes, dispute them, or seek resolution through a conference committee.
Public hearings were held last week for three of the initiatives to the legislature that have been certified (listed below). The hearings were joint with the respective policy committee from both chambers.
- Initiative 2111 relating to limiting the ability of state and local governments to impose
an income tax. - Initiative 2081 concerning parental rights and their children’s public-school education.
- Initiative 2113 relating to vehicular pursuits by police officers.
On Friday morning, each of the respective committees convened and voted to pass the three initiatives out of committee. The initiatives will next go to the full floor in each chamber for
consideration. As a reminder, initiatives to the legislature are not subject to the cutoff calendar, and the understanding is that each chamber simply needs to pass the initiative(s) before them…they do not need to go back and forth.
Electeds & Elections
Former House Minority Leader Rep. J.T. Wilcox, R-Yelm, announced Wednesday in a letter that he will retire from the Legislature when his term is up in 2025. The decision to leave the
statehouse entirely comes nearly a year after the lawmaker stepped down from his leadership position at the end of the legislative session in 2023.
House Republican Spencer Hutchins, R-Gig Harbor, also announced he would not seek reelection to the Legislature due to the impact holding office has had on his family and business.
Bill Status Report
Bill # | Abbrev. Title | Short Description | Status | Sponsor |
2SHB 1025 | Police/private actions | Creating a private right of action for harm from violations of the state Constitution or state law by peace officers. | H Civil R & Judi | Thai |
SHB 1045 | Basic income pilot program | Creating the evergreen basic income pilot program. | H Approps | Berry |
HB 1054 | Occupancy limits | Addressing the authority of owners’ associations in common interest communities to regulate or limit occupancy by unrelated persons. | S Passed 3rd | Walen |
2SHB 1062
(SB 6293) |
Law enf.
officers/deception |
Concerning deception by law enforcement officers during custodial interrogations. | H Rules X | Peterson |
SHB 1075 (SB 5249) | Working families’ tax credit | Expanding eligibility for the working families’ tax credit to everyone age 18 and older. | H Approps | Thai |
SHB 1080 | Body worn cameras | Concerning body worn cameras. | H Rules X | Taylor |
SHB 1124 | Residential rent and fees | Protecting tenants from excessive rent and related fees by providing at least six months’ notice for rent increases over a certain amount, allowing tenants the right to terminate a tenancy without penalty, and limiting late fees. | H Rules X | Peterson |
HB 1135 (SB 5452) | Impact fee use | Authorizing impact fee revenue to fund improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities. | H Rules X | Slatter |
SHB 1140
(ESSB 5187) |
Operating budget | Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. | H Rules X | Ormsby |
SHB 1147
(ESSB 5200) |
Capital budget | Concerning the capital budget. | H Rules X | Tharinger |
E2SHB 1167 | Residential housing | Concerning residential housing regulations. | H Housing | Duerr |
ESHB 1245 (SSB 5364) | Lot splitting | Increasing housing options through lot splitting. | S Loc Gov, Land U | Barkis |
HB 1252 | Impact fee deferrals | Concerning impact fee deferrals. | H Housing | Bateman |
SHB 1351 (SB 5456) | Minimum parking requirements | Prohibiting the imposition of minimum parking requirements except under certain circumstances. | H Local Govt | Reed |
SHB 1363
Vehicular pursuits | Concerning vehicular pursuits. | H Rules X | Rule |
HB 1367 | Homeless funding | Eliminating unnecessary homeless funding budget and auditing requirements. | H Rules X | Donaghy |
ESHB 1387 | Law enf. applicant pool | Requiring the criminal justice training commission to establish a program to recruit and train a pool of applicants who may be employed by certain law enforcement agencies in the state. | H Community Safet | Ramos |
2SHB 1389
(SB 5435) |
Residential rent increases | Concerning residential rent increases under the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act. | H Rules X | Ramel |
HB 1401 | Housing permit process | Allowing cities and counties to create a simple, standardized housing permit process for affordable housing units in areas designated for housing. | H Housing | Jacobsen |
E2SHB 1433 | Energy labeling/residential | Concerning energy labeling of residential buildings. | H 3rd Reading | Duerr |
2SHB 1445 | Law enf. misconduct | Concerning law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions. | H Rules X | Hansen |
SHB 1449 | Project permits/reports | Amending reporting requirements for the project permit application processing timeline. | H Rules X | Alvarado |
EHB 1468 | Impact fee deferrals | Concerning impact fee deferrals. | S 2nd Reading | Goehner |
3SHB 1579 | Independent prosecutions | Establishing a mechanism for independent prosecutions within the office of the attorney general of criminal conduct arising from police use of force. | S Ways & Means | Stonier |
ESHB 1589 (SSB 5562) | Clean energy | Supporting Washington’s clean energy economy and transitioning to a clean, affordable, and reliable energy future. | S Passed 3rd | Doglio |
2SHB 1628 | Real estate excise tax | Increasing the supply of affordable housing by modifying the state and local real estate excise tax. | H Rules X | Chopp |
HB 1670 | Property tax limit factor | Raising the limit factor for property taxes. | H Rules X | Ormsby |
SHB 1709
(ESSB 5301) |
Commerce housing programs | Concerning housing programs administered by the department of commerce. | H Rules X | Tharinger |
SHB 1761 | Property tax exemption | Increasing the personal property tax exemption. | H Rules X | Christian |
SHB 1870 | Local comm. federal funding | Promoting economic development by increasing opportunities for local communities to secure federal funding. | S Passed 3rd | Barnard |
2SHB 1877 | Behavioral health/tribes | Improving the Washington state behavioral health system for better coordination and recognition with the Indian behavioral health system. | S Passed 3rd | Lekanoff |
HB 1882 (SSB 5723) | Even-numbered year elections | Giving cities and towns the freedom to switch their general elections to evennumbered years. | H State Govt & T | Farivar |
HB 1887 (SB 5783) | Climate cmit. act/consumers | Mitigating the consumer impacts of the climate commitment act by creating greater administrability of emissions exemptions and improving the transparency and business practices under the act. | H Env & Energy | Chapman |
ESHB 1932 | Even-numbered year elections | Shifting general elections for local governments to even-numbered years to increase voter participation. | S Ways & Means | Gregerson |
2SHB 1934
(E2SSB 5838) |
AI task force | Establishing an artificial intelligence task force. | H Rules X | Couture |
HB 1951 | Algorithmic discrimination | Promoting ethical artificial intelligence by protecting against algorithmic discrimination. | H ConsPro&Bus | Shavers |
1956 (SSB 5923) |
Substance use prevention ed. | Addressing fentanyl and other substance use prevention education. | S Passed 3rd | Leavitt |
HB 1965 (SB 5918) | CCA allowance allocation | Concerning the allocation of allowances under chapter 70A.65 RCW, the
Washington climate commitment act. |
H Env & Energy | Chapman |
SHB 1991
(ESSB 5793) |
Paid sick leave | Concerning paid sick leave. | H Rules X | Fosse |
ESHB 1998 (SSB 5901) | Co-living housing | Concerning co-living housing. | S Passed 3rd | Gregerson |
HB 2023 | Elections/language assist. | Improving meaningful access to elections by increasing language assistance. | S State Govt & El | Shavers |
HB 2027 (SB 5905) | Law enf. certification | Concerning certification, background checks, and training requirements for sheriffs, police chiefs, marshals, reserve officers, and volunteers. | H Community
Safe |
Doglio |
ESHB 2039 | Env. & land use appeals | Modifying the appeals process for environmental and land use matters. | S Passed 3rd | Fitzgibbon |
HB 2040 | Carbon auction rebates | Concerning carbon auction rebate payments. | H Transportation | Connors |
HB 2063 | Homebuyers/REET exemption | Providing an exemption from the real estate excise tax for transfers of property to qualifying low-income first-time homebuyers. | H Finance | Wylie |
HB 2064 | Homebuyers/REET exemption | Providing for an exemption from the real estate excise tax for transfers of property to qualifying low-income first-time homebuyers. | H Finance | Wylie |
SHB 2070 (SB 5990) | Env. justice/SEPA projects | Integrating environmental justice considerations into certain project decisions. | H Approps | Mena |
2SHB 2071 | Residential housing | Concerning residential housing regulations. | S Passed 3rd | Duerr |
SHB 2089
(ESSB 5949) |
Capital budget, supplemental | Concerning the capital budget. | H Rules R | Tharinger |
HB 2096 | Local communities/LRAP | Ensuring adequate notice to and consideration of local communities when establishing housing options for individuals qualifying for a less restrictive alternative placement. | H Community Safe | Leavitt |
SHB 2097 | Worker wage recovery | Assisting workers in recovering wages owed. | S Passed 3rd | Berry |
SHB 2102 (SB 6177) | PFML benefits/health info. | Establishing requirements for the disclosure of health care information for qualifying persons to receive paid family and medical leave benefits. | S Passed 3rd | Berry |
SHB 2104
(ESSB 5950) |
Operating budget, supp. | Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. | H Rules R | Ormsby |
2109) |
Capital gains tax repeal | Concerning taxes on long-term capital assets. | S Ways & Means | |
2109) |
Capital gains tax repeal | Concerning taxes on long-term capital assets. | H Finance | |
2111) |
Taxes on personal income | Concerning taxes on personal income. | H FINDP | |
2111) |
Taxes on personal income | Concerning taxes on personal income. | S WMDP | |
2SHB 2113 | GMA housing element | Concerning compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act. | H Rules X | Bateman |
ESHB 2114 (SB 5961) | Residential tenants | Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement. | S Ways & Means | Alvarado |
ESHB 2134 (SSB 5947) | Transportation budget, supp. | Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. | S Passed 3rd | Fey |
2160 (SB 6024) |
Housing development | Promoting community and transitoriented housing development. | S Ways & Means | Reed |
HB 2161 | Landlord-tenant enforcement | Addressing enforcement of tenant protections. | H Housing | Peterson |
2SHB 2201
(E2SSB 6058) |
Carbon market linkage | Facilitating linkage of Washington’s carbon market with the California-Quebec carbon market. | H Rules X | Doglio |
HB 2211 (SB 6076) | Criminal justice local tax | Granting local taxing authority to fund criminal justice. | H Local Govt | Stearns |
HB 2219 | Affordable housing/tax ex. | Providing tax relief for nonprofit development of affordable housing. | H Finance | Hackney |
HB 2228 | Middle housing density | Decreasing the minimum density requirements for middle housing. | H Housing | Christian |
HB 2229 | Homeless services | Providing for the coordination and collaboration of homeless services. | H Housing | Christian |
HB 2231 | Law enforcement funding | Incentivizing cities and counties to attract and retain commissioned law enforcement officers. | H Local Govt | Walen |
HB 2232 (SSB 6052) | Petroleum product supply | Concerning petroleum products supply and pricing. | H Env & Energy | Doglio |
E2SHB 2245 | Co-response services | Establishing co-response services and training as an essential component of the crisis care continuum. | S Health & Long T | Bronoske |
SHB 2250 (SB 6156) | Local elections | Increasing representation and voter participation in local elections. | H Rules X | Gregerson |
SHB 2252 | Small businesses/residential | Allowing small business establishments in residential zones. | S Rules 2 | Klicker |
2SHB 2270 | Department of housing | Creating a Washington state department of housing. | S Ways & Means | Morgan |
SHB 2271 | LTSS program statements | Promoting access to information regarding the long-term services and supports trust program. | S Labor & Comm | Chambers |
HB 2272 | LTSS commission recs. | Addressing recommendations of the longterm services and supports trust commission by increasing access to benefits, establishing a voluntary private market supplemental long-term care insurance option, creating a pilot project to assess the long-term services and supports trust program, and making operational changes to streamline and enhance fairness in the administration of the long-term services and supports trust program. | H HC/Wellness | Macri |
SHB 2276 (SB 6191) | Housing/taxes | Increasing the supply of affordable and workforce housing. | H Rules R | Berg |
HB 2278 (SB 6248) | Capital gains tax | Modifying the capital gains tax under chapter 82.87 RCW and related statutes by closing loopholes, repealing and replacing the business and occupation tax credit with a capital gains tax credit, clarifying ambiguities and making technical corrections in a manner that is | H Finance | Thai |
not estimated to affect state or local tax collections, treating spouses and domestic partners more consistently, modifying and adding definitions, creating a good faith penalty waiver, and modifying the publication schedule for inflation adjustments. | ||||
2SHB 2308
(E2SSB 6175) |
Existing structures/housing | Concerning housing affordability tax incentives for existing structures. | H Rules X | Walen |
ESHB 2321 | Middle housing requirements | Modifying middle housing requirements and the definitions of transit stop. | S Passed 3rd | Bateman |
HB 2343 | Property owners/projects | Concerning reimbursement by property owners for street, road, and water or sewer projects. | H Local Govt | Donaghy |
HB 2345 | Landlord-tenant task force | Preparing for revisions to the residential landlord-tenant act. | H Housing | Barkis |
2354 (SB 6230) |
Tax increment areas | Creating an option for impacted taxing districts to provide a portion of their new revenue to support any tax increment area proposed within their jurisdiction. | S Passed 3rd | Street |
HB 2375 | Senior property tax ex./ADUs | Including an accessory dwelling unit under property that qualifies for the senior citizens property tax exemption. | S Passed 3rd | Goehner |
HB 2413 (SB 6173) | Housing sales tax/use | Encouraging investments in affordable homeownership unit development. | H Local Govt | Walen |
HB 2418 (SB 6250) | Working families/prop. tax | Increasing the working families’ tax credit to reflect the economic burden of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants. | H Finance | Berg |
HB 2419 | Homeowner property tax ex. | Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the homeowner relief property tax exemption. | H Finance | Berg |
HB 2420 | Law enforcement
training |
Concerning law enforcement training. | H Community
Safe |
Donaghy |
HB 2425 | Rental support program | Enacting the home affordability sustainment act, a rental support program. | H Housing | Rule |
HB 2430 | Business licensing fees | Waiving business licensing handling and delinquency fees for eligible businesses. | H Rules X | Springer |
HB 2436 | Local sales and use tax | Creating a local sales and use tax. | H Local Govt | Corry |
SHB 2437 | Retirement savings | Incentivizing retirement savings options for Washington businesses and their employees. | H Approps | Santos |
HB 2444 | Automated vehicles | Concerning automated vehicles. | H Civil R & Judi | Kloba |
HB 2450 (SB 6285) | Use of impact fees | Ensuring the timely and balanced use of impact fees. | H Local Govt | Hutchins |
HB 2451 (SB 6284) | Impact fees | Increasing the consistency and transparency of impact fees. | H Local Govt | Hutchins |
HB 2452 | Manuf housing/building codes | Addressing the impacts of certain codes on manufactured housing inventory. | H Rules X | Barkis |
HB 2453 | Housing gap voucher program | Creating a housing gap voucher program. | H Housing | Hutchins |
HB 2460 | Tenants/eviction after sale | Concerning evictions of residential tenants after a property owner elects to sell a unit or apartment in a common interest community. | H Housing | Connors |
SHB 2465
(ESSB 6291) |
State building code council | Streamlining the state building code council operating procedures by establishing criteria for statewide amendments to the state building code. | H Rules X | Ramel |
HB 2468 | Child care facility siting | Concerning the siting of child care facilities. | H Local Govt | Jacobsen |
HB 2472 | Mental health/matching funds | Providing state matching funds for programs supported by the county sales and use tax for chemical dependency, mental health treatment, and therapeutic courts. | H Approps | Hutchins |
HB 2473 (SB 6083) | Jail system | Concerning transparency, public safety, and independent oversight of the city, county, and regional jail system in Washington state. | H Community
Safe |
Farivar |
ESHB 2474 | Transitional housing siting | Concerning compliance with siting requirements for transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, indoor emergency shelters, and indoor emergency housing. | S Loc Gov, Land | Peterson |
HB 2475 (SSB 6301) | Basic law enf.
academy |
Concerning basic law enforcement academy. | H Community
Safe |
Lekanoff |
HJR 4206 | Personal property taxation | Concerning the taxation of personal property. | H Rules X | Leavitt |
2SSB 5002 | Alcohol concentration/DUI | Concerning alcohol concentration. | S Rules X | Lovick |
SSB 5118 | Multifamily property tax ex. | Concerning modifying the multifamily property tax exemption to promote development of long-term affordable housing. | S Ways & Means | Kuderer |
SSB 5133 | Responsible bidder criteria | Modifying the responsible bidder criteria for public works projects. | S Ways & Means | Keiser |
SSB 5162
(EHB 1125) |
Transportation budget | Making transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. | S Rules X | Liias |
SSB 5201
(ESHB 1148) |
State gen. obligation bonds | Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts. | S Rules X | Mullet |
SSB 5235 (HB 1276) | Accessory dwelling units | Concerning accessory dwelling units. | S Rules X | Shewmake |
ESSB 5299 | Law enf. officer protection | Concerning law enforcement officer protection. | H Rules R | Braun |
SSB 5303 | Public works trust account | Creating the public works assistance revolving account. | S Rules X | Mullet |
ESSB 5334 | Affordable housing funding | Providing a local government option for the funding of essential affordable housing programs. | H Rules R | Lovelett |
2SSB 5383
(HB 1428) |
Pedestrians/roadways | Concerning pedestrians crossing and moving along roadways. | S Rules X | Saldana |
ESSB 5424 (SHB 1413) | Flexible work/peace officers | Concerning flexible work for general and limited authority Washington peace officers. | H Passed 3rd | Lovick |
ESSB 5466 (HB 1517) | Transit-oriented development | Promoting transit-oriented development. | S Rules X | Liias |
SSB 5723 (HB 1882) | Even-numbered year elections | Giving cities and towns the freedom to switch their general elections to evennumbered years. | S Rules X | Valdez |
SB 5732 | Property tax exemptions | Protecting senior citizens’ and disabled veterans’ property tax exemption eligibility. | S Rules X | Randall |
SSB 5770 | Property tax | Providing state and local property tax reform. | S Rules X | Pedersen |
SB 5783 (HB 1887) | Climate cmit. act/consumers | Mitigating the consumer impacts of the climate commitment act by creating greater administrability of emissions exemptions and improving the transparency and business practices under the act. | S Environment, En | Mullet |
SB 5792 | Multiunit res./definition | Concerning the definition of multiunit residential buildings. | H Passed 3rd | Padden |
ESSB 5796 | Common interest communities | Concerning common interest communities. | H Passed 3rd | Pedersen |
SSB 5812 | Electric vehicle fires | Concerning the response to electric vehicle fires. | H Passed 3rd | Wilson |
SB 5826 | Utility bills/CCA charges | Requiring customer charges to be listed on utility billing statements if the charges are a result of implementing the Washington climate commitment act. | S Environment, E | MacEwen |
E2SSB 5838
(2SHB 1934) |
AI task force | Establishing an artificial intelligence task force. | H Passed 3rd | Nguyen |
SB 5839 (HB 1895) | Working families’ tax credit | Modifying the working families’ tax credit by clarifying the refundable nature of the credit, the application requirements, and the eligibility verification process. | S Ways & Means | Nguyen |
SB 5872 | Autonomous vehicles | Concerning vehicle and operator requirements for autonomous vehicles. | S Transportation | Lovick |
SB 5899 | Rental agreement provisions | Adding to the list of provisions prohibited from rental agreements. | S Housing | Pedersen |
SB 5900
(2SHB 2022) |
Construction crane safety | Concerning construction crane safety. | S Labor & Comm | Frame |
SSB 5901
(ESHB 1998) |
Co-living housing | Concerning co-living housing. | S Rules X | Salomon |
SB 5905 (HB 2027) | Law enf. certification | Concerning certification, background checks, and training requirements for sheriffs, police chiefs, marshals, reserve officers, and volunteers. | S Law & Justice | Lovick |
SB 5918 (HB 1965) | CCA allowance allocation | Concerning the allocation of allowances under chapter 70A.65 RCW, the
Washington climate commitment act. |
S Environment, En | Van De Wege |
SSB 5923
(E2SHB 1956) |
Substance use prevention ed. | Addressing fentanyl and other substance use prevention education. | S Ways & Means | Wellman |
SSB 5947
(ESHB 2134) |
Transportation budget, supp. | Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. | S Rules 2 | Liias |
ESSB 5949 (SHB 2089) | Capital budget, supplemental | Concerning the capital budget. | H 2nd Reading | Mullet |
ESSB 5950 (SHB 2104) | Operating budget, supp. | Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. | H Passed 3rd | Robinson |
SB 5959
(ESHB 2384) |
Traffic safety cameras | Concerning automated traffic safety cameras. | S Transportation | Liias |
SB 5961
(ESHB 2114) |
Residential tenants | Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement. | S Housing | Trudeau |
SB 5989 | Short-term rentals/ownership | Confirming property ownership or owner authorization for short-term rentals. | S Rules X | Gildon |
SB 5990
(SHB 2070) |
Env. justice/SEPA projects | Integrating environmental justice considerations into certain project decisions. | S Environment, E | Lovelett |
SB 6024
(E2SHB 2160) |
Housing development | Promoting community and transitoriented housing development. | S Loc Gov, Land | Trudeau |
SSB 6052 (HB 2232) | Petroleum product supply | Concerning petroleum products supply and pricing. | S Ways & Means | Nguyen |
(2SHB 2201) |
Carbon market linkage | Facilitating linkage of Washington’s carbon market with the California-Quebec carbon market. | H Passed 3rd | Nguyen |
ESSB 6061 | Housing development/SEPA | Concerning exemptions for housing development under the state environmental policy act. | H Rules R | Lovelett |
SB 6065 | Housing/property tax ex. | Concerning the property tax exemption for cities or counties providing affordable housing to qualifying households. | S Housing | Saldana |
SB 6076 (HB 2211) | Criminal justice local tax | Granting local taxing authority to fund criminal justice. | S Ways & Means | Keiser |
SB 6083 (HB 2473) | Jail system | Concerning transparency, public safety, and independent oversight of the city, county, and regional jail system in Washington state. | S Human Services | Boehnke |
SB 6090 | Law enf. hiring grants | Creating a law enforcement hiring grant program. | S Ways & Means | Holy |
SSB 6115
(ESHB 2356) |
Speed safety cameras | Concerning speed safety camera systems. | H Passed 3rd | King |
SB 6119 | Law enforcement use of force | Concerning use of force by law enforcement. | S Law & Justice | Holy |
SSB 6136 | Rental property B&O tax | Reestablishing a business and occupation tax on the privilege of providing property for rent and supporting access to affordable rental property by exempting from tax landlords participating in a rent stabilization program. | S Ways & Means | Kuderer |
SSB 6150 (SHB 2296) | Comprehensive plan revisions | Extending the comprehensive plan revision schedule for select local governments. | H Local Govt | Cleveland |
SSB 6152 | Housing needs gap | Requiring certain counties to measure the gap between estimated existing housing units and existing housing needs. | S Ways & Means | Cleveland |
SB 6153 | Peace officer hiring & cert. | Concerning peace officer hiring and certification. | S Law & Justice | Kuderer |
SB 6155 | Camping on public property | Establishing a statewide policy on camping on public property. | S Law & Justice | Wagoner |
SB 6156
(SHB 2250) |
Local elections | Increasing representation and voter participation in local elections. | S State Govt & E | Nobles |
SB 6173 (HB 2413) | Housing sales tax/use | Encouraging investments in affordable homeownership unit development. | H Passed 3rd | Nobles |
E2SSB 6175
(2SHB 2308) |
Existing structures/tax | Concerning housing affordability tax incentives for existing structures. | H Rules R | Trudeau |
SB 6177
(SHB 2102) |
PFML benefits/health info. | Establishing requirements for the disclosure of health care information for qualifying persons to receive paid family and medical leave benefits. | S Health & Long | Stanford |
SB 6181 | Law enf. officer definition | Concerning law enforcement officer definition. | H Community Safet | Liias |
SSB 6189 | Jail system | Concerning transparency, public safety, and independent oversight of the city, county, and regional jail system in Washington state. | S Ways & Means | Saldana |
SB 6191
(SHB 2276) |
Housing/taxes | Increasing the supply of affordable and workforce housing. | S Ways & Means | Frame |
SSB 6192 | Construction change orders | Addressing additional work and change orders on public and private construction projects. | H Passed 3rd | King |
SB 6199 | Housing authority notices | Requiring housing authorities to use notification methods designed to provide evidence of delivery. | S Housing | Dozier |
SB 6200
(SHB 2390) |
Eluding & resisting arrest | Concerning penalties related to eluding police vehicles and resisting arrest. | S Law & Justice | Lovick |
SB 6217 | Retail robberies | Deterring robberies from retail establishments. | S Law & Justice | McCune |
SB 6230
(E2SHB 2354) |
Tax increment areas | Creating an option for impacted taxing districts to provide a portion of their new revenue to support any tax increment area proposed within their jurisdiction. | S Loc Gov, Land | Rivers |
SB 6231 | Hostile architecture | Prohibiting the use of hostile architecture elements for publicly accessible buildings or real property. | S Loc Gov, Land | Lovelett |
SB 6233 | Energy code amendments | Concerning substantive amendments to the state energy code for nonresidential buildings. | S Environment, E | Wilson |
SB 6235 | Criminal justice assistance | Concerning the city and county criminal justice assistance accounts. | S Ways & Means | Wilson |
SB 6241 (HB 2349) | Job posting wage disclosures | Strengthening pay transparency requirements. | S Labor & Comm | Randall |
SB 6242 | Law enforcement
training |
Concerning law enforcement training. | H Approps | Mullet |
SB 6248 (HB 2278) | Capital gains tax | Modifying the capital gains tax under chapter 82.87 RCW and related statutes by closing loopholes, repealing and replacing the business and occupation tax credit with a capital gains tax credit, clarifying ambiguities and making technical corrections in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections, treating spouses and domestic partners more consistently, modifying and adding definitions, creating a good faith | S Ways & Means | Robinson |
penalty waiver, and modifying the publication schedule for inflation adjustments. | ||||
SB 6249 | Homeowner property tax ex. | Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the homeowner relief property tax exemption. | S Ways & Means | Robinson |
SB 6250 (HB 2418) | Working families/prop. tax | Increasing the working families’ tax credit to reflect the economic burden of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants. | S Ways & Means | Robinson |
SB 6272 | Cannabis excise tax revenue | Dedicating the state share of cannabis excise tax revenue to counties and cities. | S Ways & Means | Mullet |
SSB 6277 | Transportation partnerships | Creating a new statutory framework for the use of public-private partnerships for transportation projects. | H Rules R | Liias |
SB 6284 (HB 2451) | Impact fees | Increasing the consistency and transparency of impact fees. | S Ways & Means | Braun |
SB 6285 (HB 2450) | Use of impact fees | Ensuring the timely and balanced use of impact fees. | S Ways & Means | Braun |
ESSB 6291 (SHB 2465) | State building code council | Streamlining the state building code council operating procedures by establishing criteria for statewide amendments to the state building code. | H Passed 3rd | Wilson |
SB 6293
(2SHB 1062) |
Law enf.
officers/deception |
Concerning deception by law enforcement officers during custodial interrogations. | S Law & Justice | Trudeau |
SSB 6295 | Behavioral health/high users | Creating a path to recovery for high users of behavioral health crisis and criminal justice systems. | S Ways & Means | Dhingra |
SSB 6299 | Employees/digital technology | Protecting employee rights in the workplace with regards to the use of digital technology. | S Rules X | Stanford |
SSB 6301 (HB 2475) | Basic law enf.
academy |
Concerning basic law enforcement academy. | H Passed 3rd | Lovick |
SSB 6304 | Transp. electrification | Implementing certain recommendations of the transportation electrification strategy. | S Rules X | Liias |
SB 6308 | 988 system timeline | Extending timelines for implementation of the 988 system. | H Passed 3rd | Dhingra |
SB 6311 | Pension returns/transp. | Using savings that are the result of extraordinary investment returns in the state’s pension systems to fund transportation projects. | S Ways & Means | Mullet |
SJR 8209 (HJR 4209) | Residential ex./property tax | Concerning a constitutional amendment providing for a residential real property exemption from property taxes levied for state purposes. | S Ways & Means | Robinson |